THEE Red Bird


This morning I abruptly woke up to the sound of my roommate obnoxiously slamming doors and annoyingly clanking away in the kitchen after a very long night of unintentionally and regrettably binge-watching Netflix’s Shadow and Bone. Regrettably only because I LOVED it so much and wished I had the discipline to savior it. Just so I could spend more quality time with Mal in my fantasies 😍 while also being part of the Crow Crew and being bffs with the coolest Inej 🤩💕 but as one says, on to the next, til season 2 at least! Maybe one day they’ll cast me, although I’ll probably have to perfect a British accent—adding that to my list! 

Anyways, after having my beauty sleep rudely interrupted I laid in bed adrift in my thoughts while also self-conscious of my early-bird roommates secretly judging me for still being in bed at 11am. But whatever it’s a Saturday!! After questioning my life, stalking the Shadow and Bone cast on IG and almost letting my imposter syndrome and doubts creep up on me, I finally decided to get a move on and opened black-out curtains to a beautiful and perfectly sunny day! Ahhh I love spring and I can’t wait to wear my warm wardrobe at it’s true potential!! ❤️ Maybe then I will feel fully human/Goddexx again?! My roommates have left by this point so I could walk out to brush my teeth free of own paranoia of them judging me, phew. I should just care less honestly—working on it!

After brushing my teeth with my battery dead green (I wish it was pink) quip, I walked back into my room to tone and moisturize my face cause skincare is VERY important y’all. To then go and make my self some breakfast; an easy Việt classic, sunny-side eggs with rice and soy sauce! After making myself my delicious breakfast that reminds me a bit of home, I walked back into my room so I could eat by my sun-filled window to then find a beautiful red Cardinal sitting on the electrical wire right outside my window staring at me in the most cutest, reassuring, and affirming way. I couldn’t help but just stand there and be present with this Cardinal in the moment for the few seconds it lasted. This moment just felt so grounding and special during a time of limbo in my life. Perhaps it’s me craving for any sign of reassurance from the universe that everything’s going to be ok and this sounds a bit dramatic but…I honestly felt so touched by the Cardinal spending those iconic few seconds with me and the light, clarity, and healing it gifted me. 

Me being the superstitious and affirmational love-language loving Goddexx, I immediately googled “what does seeing a Cardinal mean” and this is what I found from my brief 4-6 open tabs research adventure 😊 For the most part positive with some differences from various cultures, religions and beliefs.

“It usually means something good is on the horizon, and it urges you to follow your passion and dreams. ... Since cardinals are a sign of compassion, some experts associate seeing one in your dreams with new hope and love. Their bright red color is a symbolic signpost of passion.”

“Seeing a cardinal is a mysterious yet important event. You need to pay attention to where the Cardinal is sitting or landing. For example, if you see them near a utility box, power line, or even near firewood, it means it is time for you to start making changes aggressively and take more initiatives than you usually do.“

“The red bird symbolizes lessons of distinctiveness, staying true to ourselves, and recognizing our place and the power we have within ourselves. A cardinal’s spiritual meaning is one of a fight against insecurities. It is a push by a loved one from the “beyond,” so you keep striving towards self-empowerment and reaching your goals.”


“When you see a red cardinal near your home, it should also serve as a reminder to embrace the new beginnings ahead and have faith that they will comfort your soul. Reconnect with Your Soul. It is strongly believed that cardinals are birds sent from Heaven as spiritual messengers and carriers of the soul.”

“It is strongly believed that cardinals are birds sent from Heaven as spiritual messengers and carriers of the soul. You have an ability to see this connection by looking at the cardinal’s chest. When you see a red cardinal, think about slowing down, getting your energy back, and reconnecting with your soul to outcast any signs of depression. We are so busy and rarely take time to meditate. After seeing a red cardinal, you should consider this as a reminder to give some time to your soul.”


SEE!!! I KNEW SEEING THIS CARDINAL and Cardinals in general WAS SPECIAL!!!! My head is not too far off on the clouds now!!! Although, I’m not religious and will try my best to take all this with a grain of salt but idk…this encounter somehow felt…intentional. 

After those few seconds, it adorably and gracefully flew away to which I’m sure to send love to another soul today. I stood there, thanking the Cardinal for gracing me with its presence, care, power, and love. 

Thank you Cardinal ❤️ 

Edit same day at 4:51pm: OMG I JUST SAW IT AGAIN!!! SAME SPOT AND IT LOOKED AT ME!!!!!!!! Love you Cardinal 🥺❤️ 

Edit same day but I can’t remember the time: I saw another one for a 3rd time in one day! Maybe they just live in the backyard LOL but I’m going to cherish the hope they gave me today. ❤️